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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Common Sense, why did you leave me?

I just had to take a quick opportunity to share the day that Jon and I have had. Let's just say it started with a trip to Home Depot, some paint/varnish stripper, paint, sand paper, steel wool, and high hopes. It ended with 6 varnish-free/sanded chairs, 3 primed chairs, 574 mosquito bites, and 2 sore backs. Can you guess what we did? 

Are you done guessing? In case you can't figure it out, I'll just tell you. I had the bright idea to paint our kitchen table and 6 chairs. I thought this would be a somewhat easy task, but about 5 minutes in I was wondering what in the world I was thinking and wishing I could turn back time! Good news is, Jon and I spent around 6 hours bonding, scraping, and painting together. And the even better news is that we'll get to do it again. And again. And again...until we're finished. AND, in case you're wondering, YES WE ARE ACCEPTING HELPERS! Apply within.

So right about now, I'm asking my sanity to return and looking forward to an evening laying on the my pajamas...covered in mosquito bites. This is the life, people! :)


Brian and Jessica Ross said...

Welcome to my world!

emmitts said...