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Monday, August 23, 2010

Reunited...and it felt so good!

So, remember this post? Not long after I finished writing it, I got a call from our friends, Danny and Andrea, that they were coming down to visit! We had talked about it briefly before, but it was up in the air whether or not they would be able to make it. I was literally giddy with excitement that they were coming and we were going to experience even more familiarity!

We had so much fun with our first-time visitors. We had five people living under this little roof. There was lots of laughter, eating, and exploring.

Of course, we decided to take them into Boston. No trip to Boston is complete without a little subway action...

...some awesome poses...

...and cool shades.

We had a grand time exploring Boston together. We even ran into an old friend!

We also took some super awesome pictures...

...while "pahked in the Hahvahd yahd."

A lovely time was had by all (at least I think so!). It was so wonderful to have some of our best friends be our first visitors and we can't wait to welcome some more!

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