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Friday, December 24, 2010

Advent, Day 27

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JOURNEY to the MANGER: Advent 2010
Luke 1:67-80
Roy Ciampa

As one reads Zechariah’s response in Luke 1:67-80, it seems clear that he was most excited not about his own son but about the fact that his arrival was the harbinger of the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah himself. The angel’s message meant that God’s promised redemption was as good as done! God “has come and has redeemed his people” (vs. 68). Zechariah is acutely aware of how long Israel has been waiting for this news. It was news that had been promised through the prophets “long ago” (vs. 70). The promise hearkened all the way back to the covenant God made with Abraham (vs. 72-73). God was indeed going to make good on his promise to bring about the complete redemption of his people. The wait for the second coming has been longer than the time between Abraham and the first coming of the Messiah. But just as the news of John’s arrival assured Zechariah that the Messiah would soon be there, we rejoice in the knowledge that as God kept his promises to his people in the days of Zechariah and Elizabeth, he will keep his promises to us as well. God will indeed bring about the ultimate consummation of our redemption with the second coming of our Lord.

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

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