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Monday, December 15, 2008

God is great...and so is my "Wives Group!"

I think it's safe to say that I'm getting a little bit better at this whole blogging bit. I mean, three posts in one week...SERIOUSLY! This is quite an improvement!

For those of you who know me (which I assume is all of you since you're at this blog...), you know that there are big decisions coming up in the lives of the Yeagers. Jon is officially a GRADUATE...WHOOP! This means he will begin the internship at Grace Bible this January. We are PUMPED. It also means that December has come, and is going, and we will be needing to make decisions regarding next year very soon. For those of you who don't know us that well, our options consist of two known things (I say known because God could always throw in a third option...I'm just sayin'!). Those two things are to either continue the internship for another year or for Jon to begin seminary in the fall. Both options are great options and we've been praying through our consideration.

Every Monday night, I meet with a couple other newly married women led by our sweet friend, Shannon. Each of our husbands are involved in ministry and we discuss issues pertinent to our newly married lives. We have a WONDERFUL time! One of these sweet friends of mine encouraged me a couple weeks ago with a verse the Lord had encouraged her with. Isaiah 58:11 says, "And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." I was reading this verse this morning and was reminded and encouraged that the Lord never stops guiding us. It is a continual process. I was also reminded of the psalmist's words that tell us that He has searched out all of our paths and has recorded each of our days in His book, even though they have not been completed. What a relief it is to know that God is searching out our paths, considering every single option, because we can't, and guiding us to places that are refreshing and will suit us PERFECTLY. I was encouraged by the second portion of this verse because it reminds me that He will lead us to a place where we will thrive in His provision for us, being productive in what we do "like a watered garden." What a beautiful picture He has created for us!

I was also reminded of God's graciousness as He led the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt into the desert. He guided them by a cloud during the day and fire at night...not your typical leadership tool. But He was guiding them...continually. His guidance didn't stop when darkness was all around them. And from that scorched place, He led them to their Promised Land in HIS timing. Now I'm not saying that Jon and I will be wandering around for 40 years, wondering whether we should continue the internship or go to seminary (if this happens, Grace, please dismiss us!! HA!). But my prayer is that we will learn to trust Him more and more, looking for His hand in our lives as He guides us.

All this to say, I felt encouraged today about the decisions that are ahead of us. Why? Because I am confident in the Leader we are following and His ability to guide us. He is an everlasting God...He's been doing this kind of thing for YEARS! Pray that we will trust Him daily, have open hearts to His guidance, and obedient hearts that are eager to follow Him. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seminary is tough! I will be praying for you guys and your options. Just stick together and you'll be fine. I love you and miss you.